жду своего чуда - the search continues once again!!! I will try this one last time...
I am highly educated, well-traveled, well-mannered and truly a "good man" – but that is something that only you can decide in time. I spend time between the USA and Europe - a man of two continents! (smile) Although I am successful and confident in my professional career I know that my life does not revolve around my job. I am passionate about life and the beauty in this world. I adore traveling, art, music and all that we may share together. It maybe difficult to find, at times, but together this is truly a world where two are stronger being as one. With this emotion let us build our true family happiness! Reach out now. Be real. Be true - esli vi gatova!
Як би ви описали свого ідеального партнера?
I seek a true lady - one who is ready, wanting and willing to share this world while caring for her beloved. She will do anything to meet in reality and not hide behind the veil of the internet. She will give more than she takes, for she will receive even more in return! Look in the mirror and see. Is it you? If so, please do not wait! Please take the time to communicate. Through our letters make the effort to share the world around you and provide a glimpse into the world of your hopes and dreams. After all, together we can make them come true! Do you not agree?
She has learned from her past relationships knowing what she now truly wants. She is ready to join hands and start our journey together no matter the distance or the color of our passports. She is ready and willing to meet as neither of us want a virtual relationship! The future awaits us my dear!
In short, I seek my "miracle" in a woman who truly does want to create a REAL relationship (not merely virtual!). I seek an intelligent, tender and passionate woman - one who adores traveling, is romantic and who wishes to share this world. I seek a woman who has learned from life's lessons. I ask that she is true in her search (and, as I said above, is ready/willing to meet)! She believes in making both of our dreams a reality in spite of this often times mad world that seems to be spinning out of control!
As yourself, is it you??? Are you ready to begin making our dreams a reality? Are you ready to meet the challenges of a long distance relationship and are prepared to travel to meet your beloved when the time is right? If so, please reach out - our future awaits!!!
Якби через тридцять днів настав кінець світу, що б ви робили?
Spend it, as with every day and night, with my beloved of course!!! (smile)
Якби у вас було зайвих 10 мільйонів доларів, що б ви зробили з ними?
Let's see how many people we can make happy, together. What do you think? After all, between us we already will have all the happiness we need!
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